How to use Amazon API Gateway as a proxy for Amazon DynamoDB using Terraform?

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that helps developers to create and deploy scalable APIs on AWS. These APIs act as an entry point for the applications to connect and get access to data, perform business logic or access any other AWS service. There are mainly two types: RESTful and Web-Socket APIs. In this article, we will use RESTful API.

The second Amazon service we are going to talk about in this article is Amazon DynamoDB. It is a NO-SQL key-value, the fully managed database provided by AWS. It has features like low-latency reads/writes, multi-master and multi-region.

Recently, I came across a requirement to store something in DynamoDB and retrieve the data using a hash key whenever it is required. Now one way is to implement the logic in the code where it is required using AWS-SDK. But in my case, this is required by many of the different services having access to the same set of config stored in the DynamoDB. Following are the option I can move towards:

  • Create a shared lib of code that can be referenced and shared across all the services which need access to this data.
  • I can create it as a separate service that can be exposed as an API for everyone to consume.

I decided to use the second method but with a twist. Rather than writing a code for the service which I can use as an API, I decided to use API Gateway and its AWS service integration to directly talk to DynamoDB to return the result. It will be done after some lines of deployment code (yeah, all deployment should be automated) and no actual app code to maintain once we are done. I wrote all our infrastructure code in Terraform and the following are the steps through it to
how to create one and deploy it.


If you wish to follow along, here is the repository which has an example. Terraform-Example-Script

Step 1 – Create a DynamoDB table with a defined hash and range key

# Create dynamo db tableresource \"aws_dynamodb_table\" \"example\" {  name         = \"example\"  hash_key     = \"id\"  range_key    = \"range\"  billing_mode = \"PAY_PER_REQUEST\"  attribute {    name = \"id\"    type = \"S\"  }  attribute {    name = \"range\"    type = \"S\"  }}

Step 2 –  Create an IAM policy and role for the execution

In this step, we will create an IAM policy and role which can be assumed by any API gateway. The policy attached to the role will give access to the API Gateway to perform operations on the Dynamodb table defined above.

# The policy document to access the roledata \"aws_iam_policy_document\" \"dynamodb_table_policy_example\" {  depends_on = [aws_dynamodb_table.example]  statement {    sid = \"dynamodbtablepolicy\"    actions = [      \"dynamodb:Query\"    ]    resources = [      aws_dynamodb_table.example.arn,    ]  }}# The IAM Role for the executionresource \"aws_iam_role\" \"api_gateway_dynamodb_example\" {  name               = \"api_gateway_dynamodb_example\"  assume_role_policy = <<-EOF  {    \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",    \"Statement\": [      {        \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\",        \"Principal\": {          \"Service\": \"\"        },        \"Effect\": \"Allow\",        \"Sid\": \"iamroletrustpolicy\"      }    ]  }  EOF}resource \"aws_iam_role_policy\" \"example_policy\" {  name = \"example_policy\"  role =  policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.dynamodb_table_policy_example.json}

Step 3 – Create an API Gateway

<Code code={resource \"aws_api_gateway_rest_api\" \"exampleApi\" {   name        = \"exampleApi\"   description = \"Example API\" }}/>

Step 4 –  Create a Resource in API Gateway

To create routes in API Gateway, we need to create a resource and attach it to API Gateway. In the following code, the path is created as {val}. This allows us to create a parameterised route so we can execute anything like {API Gateway Route}/test. Here value test will be assigned to val keyword and we can later use it.

# API Gateway for dynamodbresource \"aws_api_gateway_rest_api\" \"exampleApi\" {  name        = \"exampleApi\"  description = \"Example API\"}# Create a resourceresource \"aws_api_gateway_resource\" \"resource-example\" {  rest_api_id =  parent_id   = aws_api_gateway_rest_api.exampleApi.root_resource_id  path_part   = \"{val}\"}

Step 5 – Create a Method

We will create a GET method under the resource we created above. This will allow us to make a GET request on the resource and fire off the integration attached with it.

# Create a Methodresource \"aws_api_gateway_method\" \"get-example-method\" {  rest_api_id   =  resource_id   =  http_method   = \"GET\"  authorization = \"NONE\"}

Step 6 – Creating a Request Integration

This is the step that will link our API Gateway with our Dynamodb. Request integration will route any request coming to the defined resource and method to the integration service. The most widely used integration is Lambda but in our case, we are going to use an AWS service integration with Dynamodb.

# Create an integration with the dynamo dbresource \"aws_api_gateway_integration\" \"get-example-integration\" {  rest_api_id             =  resource_id             =  http_method             = aws_api_gateway_method.get-example-method.http_method  type                    = \"AWS\"  integration_http_method = \"POST\"  uri                     = \"arn:aws:apigateway:${var.aws_region}:dynamodb:action/Query\"  credentials             = aws_iam_role.api_gateway_dynamodb_example.arn  request_templates = {    \"application/json\" = <<EOF      {        \"TableName\": \"${}\",        \"KeyConditionExpression\": \"id = :val\",        \"ExpressionAttributeValues\": {          \":val\": {              \"S\": \"$input.params(\'val\')\"          }        }      }    EOF  }}

In the request template, we are requesting the Dynamodb table and our condition is to query where our hash_key i.e. id is equal to the val (which we set up in parameterized route).
We have to define the table name and aws_region to make it work. You can use terraform vars or referencing by adding a $ sign in front of it. Please see the example script mentioned above to see the working copy.

Step 7 – Creating a Response Code and template for the request.

We have created a request and now we need to create a response mapping so it can transform and return the response to us.

#Add a response code with the methodresource \"aws_api_gateway_method_response\" \"get-example-response-200\" {  rest_api_id =  resource_id =  http_method = aws_api_gateway_method.get-example-method.http_method  status_code = \"200\"  response_parameters = {    \"method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" = true  }}# Create a response template for dynamo db structureresource \"aws_api_gateway_integration_response\" \"get-example-response\" {  depends_on  = [aws_api_gateway_integration.get-example-integration]  rest_api_id =  resource_id =  http_method = aws_api_gateway_method.get-example-method.http_method  status_code = aws_api_gateway_method_response.get-example-response-200.status_code  response_parameters = {    \"method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" = \"\'*\'\"  }  response_templates = {    \"application/json\" = <<EOF      #set($inputRoot = $input.path(\'$\'))      {        #foreach($elem in $inputRoot.Items)        \"id\": \"$\",        #if($foreach.hasNext),#end        #end      }    EOF  }}

You should change the response template as per the response structure and name of the keys you have. Also, the two different response templates mentioned above are for example purposes only. You have to choose one while deployed for returning the response. This is where REST shines by having different routes for different resources.

Step 8 – Deployment of the API Gateway

To use the API Gateway, we have to deploy it along with a stage. Anytime you need to change anything defined above, the API Gateway will be required to deploy again so new changes can come into effect. To fulfil this requirement, we will add a stage variable and assign the timestamp to it. So every time the plan is created, the deployment for API Gateway is forced.

# Deploying API Gatewayresource \"aws_api_gateway_deployment\" \"exampleApiDeployment\" {  depends_on = [aws_api_gateway_integration.get-example-integration]  rest_api_id =  stage_name  = var.stage_name  variables = {    \"deployedAt\" = timestamp()  }  lifecycle {    create_before_destroy = true  }}

Step 9 – Test it

Add some records in the Dynamodb, copy the URL from the stage in API Gateway and make a GET request and see the response. Everything should be working if not, get your debugging hat on the head and let\’s see where we have screwed.

There are other service integrations available and you can use Amazon API Gateway as a proxy for other services too. I will try to post more about it in future articles and code examples. Till then Happy Coding.